Inspired by the film Pay it Forward, I have been wanting to 'Pay it Forward' using my portrait photography for some time, but couldn't work out exactly what approach I would take. Then it hit me.
Cancer comes in all shapes and sizes and changes the lives of far too many. It took my beautiful Uncle far too soon ♥ and my gorgeous Friend at just 31 ♥ It took one of my Mum's best friends and my Hubby's grandad ♥ It took our staffy and gave me a frightening scare in 2006 when I discovered benign and malignant tumors on my thyroid. Along with these, come stories of inspiration that puts dramas in our own life in to perspective.
Cancer will have an effect on everyone either directly or indirectly.. I have decided to do my little part for families on their own journey. I am gifting a custom portrait session, full print collection and hopefully with the help of my wonderful suppliers, a designer product as well.
I hope that each family I work with, will choose the next and so the ball will keep on rolling and we can continue to 'Pay it Forward'. I am going to endeavour to do one session per month, then as my own baby grows, hopefully more.
Please follow this blog to hear the stories of some very special, courageous and truly inspirational people. I am so excited about this project.
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Today I was honoured to have little Bede, his handsome big brother and gorgeous Mummy in my studio for the first Little Wishes session ♥ I have decided to leave the words up to the family for this Blog... so without further ado... Bede's story ♥
"Bede is a quirky little soul with an adventurous spirit, typical of most two year old boys. Bede has travelled an interesting journey in his short life, high dose chemotherapy, many surgeries, several blood & platelet transfusions and serious infections to fight with absolutely no immune system…a miracle he is still with us.
On August 22nd our little boy Bede was diagnosed with AML {Acute Myeloid Leukaemia}. It seemed like the world had stopped on this day, to be told by an oncologist that our baby had a rare form of blood cancer was heartbreaking - Bede was 14 days short of his 1st birthday.
Bede endured 7 very long months of high dose chemotherapy which wasn’t without its complications. Throughout all he endured Bede never stopped smiling, even on the darkest days of treatment.
He is an inspirational little boy, courageous with a positive attitude to life; you could say he is living on love!
Bede celebrates 1 year of being Leukaemia free and although we don’t know what the future holds for him medically, each and everyday he is with us is a blessing in itself. We will always be thankful to the wonderful oncology teams and nursing staff at the Royal Children’s Hospital for giving our little boy life. "
Bede’s Mum xx
Possibly my favourite Bede portrait ~ could he possibly be any more gorgeous???!!!
His gorgeous big brother Jed ♥ and yes, these boys are as beautiful on the inside as they are on the out! Perfect little darlings in the studio x
and with their lovely Mummy {Daddy was at work ~ hopefully we will catch them ALL together at a later date}
How cute ~ hanging on to Mummy's hair ♥ Bede "loved Mummy today" ♥
..... and the 'I'm not all that impressed with you Jem!!' pout ~ melts my heart ♥
Thanks Nicki for bringing your spunky little babes to the studio today. It was lovely. Hope you enjoy your portraits for many years to come xxx